Happy New Year!


I say it every year, but each year seems to be busier than the last. Well, this is the last year that I’m saying it – I know next year is going to be crazy busy. We moved in the final days of 2012, so the first half of the new year will be spent getting settled into our new house, and getting ready to welcome our first child, a daughter due in early March.

Blogging Goals: This time last year, I had hoped to get in the habit of posting twice a week in 2012. I started off strong, but a combination of visitors, travel, and first trimester laziness meant that I slacked off quite a bit in late spring/early summer. I didn’t start posting again regularly (weekly), until fall. I know that 2013 will be a lot of change for my husband and I, but I’d still like to continue to post at least once a week throughout 2013. I think that’s a manageable goal, don’t you?

I also want to continue to work on my photography. I upgraded to a DSLR after Thanksgiving, so now I need to take the time to learn how to use it, find my light, and style my photos. I do think I improved in 2012, but I want to continue improving! I’m hoping to do my own sort of Project 365 so that I’m using my camera every day and maybe take a photography class next summer to helop me rewch this goal.

In the Kitchen: My bucket list for 2012 included making perogis, stuffed cabbage, homemade pasta, caramel, tiramisu, and bagels (although the list could go on forever). I did make stuffed cabbage with my mom, although I didn’t blog about it. And for the first time ever, I made caramel (for salted caramel hot chocolate mix) without burning it! I’ll continue working on the other items on this list next year.

Off the Bookshelf: In 2011 I had set the following goals for myself for 2012:

  1. Read all of Jane Austen’s works (6  books, 1 short fiction, and 2 unfinished fiction)
  2. Read the Lord of the Rings series. I love the movies, I just need to start the books!
  3. Read the Eragon series
  4. Read Paullina Simon’s Tatiana & Alexander Series.

I did read the Tatiana & Alexander series. I loved the books so much that I had to review it in three posts: The Bronze Horseman, Tatiana & Alexander, and The Summer Garden.

I didn’t get to the other books because as soon as I found out that we were moving, I started reading mysteries and books that I knew I would want to donate instead of moving. This means Jane Austen’s works, the Lord of the Rings series, and the Eragon books are still on the list for 2012.

Do you have any goals for 2013? Any recipes on your bucket list for the year? Any books you’re excited to read? Please leave a comment – I’d love to hear what you’re looking forward to in 2013.

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